Is Blogging Dead?

[Does It Have a Future in 2022 + Beyond?]

The harsh truth is that a lot of old blogging practices + strategies are indeed dead.

If you continue these practices, your blogging biz is going to die a very slow, boring death.

But blogging itself is far from dead.

We're sharing what you should + shouldn't do to keep your blog alive + well.

It has simply changed from what it used to be.

As bloggers, we must continue to evolve with it in order to stay relevant.

The Walking Dead:

5 Tactics That Are No Longer Working in Blogging

“Clickbait” Headlines

The problem with clickbait is that the headline does not satisfy user intent.

When readers don't see what they expect, they click away quickly.


(+ that's really bad for SEO)

Blogging About Everything

Covering too many topics will confuse your readers, and make your blog seem generic + less trustworthy.


People want specific info from experts they trust + connect with.

Blogging About Your Personal Life

Entertainment content and personal blogging have moved from websites to social media.


Successful blogs focus on educating, not entertaining.

Posting All The Time to Get Traffic

The focus of your blog posts should be on quality, not quantity.


Write longer, detailed posts that stand out + keep readers' attention.

Update older posts regularly.

Not Including Video or Audio Content

A blog is not just a blog anymore. It’s a multimedia website.


People want to be able to see you, hear you, + have multiple ways to consume your content.

The #1 Thing You Can Do to Make Your Blog Successful

Become An Expert

The solution to long-term blogging success is to dedicate your time + energy to becoming an expert in your niche.

Think of your blog as an authority site on your subject matter.

This sucks for people who want blogging to be a get-rich-quick scheme.

But this is GREAT NEWS if you're truly passionate about a topic + want to start an online business while also helping people.

Swipe up to learn more about how to apply these tips + position yourself as an expert in your niche.