8 SMART Goal Examples: How to Write More Achievable Goals

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Let’s explore some SMART goal examples from the SMART Goal framework to help you set better goals and actually achieve them.

This method of goal setting has become an invaluable asset for many people around the world when it comes to personal goals, career development, project management, landing your dream job, and more.

It will help you gain more clarity through creating manageable steps and objectives for any given task or project — and also provide you with the means to measure your growth.

Having well-defined and measurable goals also gives you a better understanding of what success looks like and provides direction on how to reach it.

In this article, we’re covering:

First, let’s cover the definition of a SMART goal before we get into some SMART goals examples.

What is a SMART Goal?

A SMART goal uses a goal-setting framework based on the SMART acronym, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

SMART goals acronym

The SMART goals framework provides an effective way to set objectives that are clear and attainable.

When setting a goal using the SMART goal-setting method, your goals should be:

  1. Specific — Clearly define the goal by answering questions such as who is involved or what do you want to accomplish.
  2. Measurable — Establish criteria for measuring progress towards achieving the goal and determine how your success will be determined.
  3. Achievable — Set realistic goals that can be achieved within a specific time frame.
  4. Relevant — Make sure the goal is relevant to your desired outcome and is in line with current organizational objectives and priorities.
  5. Time-Bound — Set a timeline of when you will achieve your goal as well as milestones along the way to keep yourself motivated.

Why Are SMART Goals Important?

SMART goals are important because they provide an effective way to set objectives and measure progress toward achieving them.

They ensure that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently, allowing you to focus your efforts on the areas where they can have the most impact.

Additionally, having clear milestones and deadlines for each step of the process helps you stay motivated throughout the journey.

SMART goals also encourage collaboration between team members by ensuring everyone is working towards the same outcome with shared objectives in mind.

This helps create a sense of unity while giving everyone their own roles and responsibilities within the team.

Additionally, setting SMART goals allows teams to quickly identify any issues or roadblocks that may arise while working towards their desired outcome.

8 Examples of SMART Goals

The following SMART goal examples are in various areas to help you see a wide range of applications for the SMART goal method in your everyday life.

1. Dieting SMART Goals Example

We all know that eating healthy is important, but it can be hard to stick with a diet when you’re surrounded by tempting junk food.

dieting SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to lose weight but eating healthy is hard.
  • Poorly-Defined Goal: Incorporate healthier foods into my diet at every meal.

Smart Goals Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will eat healthier by reducing my daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day.
  2. Measurable — I will measure this progress by tracking my calorie intake in a journal and weighing myself weekly.
  3. Achievable — This goal is achievable as long as I stay disciplined and focused on making better dietary choices each day.
  4. Relevant — This will help me reach my desired goal weight.
  5. Time-Bound — This goal has a clear timeline of three months so that I have an end date to work towards while staying motivated throughout the process.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will reach my goal weight by reducing my daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day for the next 3 months and track my progress through journaling and weighing myself on a weekly basis.

2. Financial SMART Goals Example

Saving money is important for our financial future, but it’s hard to stay disciplined and stick to a budget.

finance SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to save money to buy a house, but saving money is difficult when there are so many temptations to spend.
  • Poorly-Defined Goal: I want to save more money each month.

Smart GoalS Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will $500 per month by reducing my spending on non-essential items.
  2. Measurable — I will track my progress in a spreadsheet and review it weekly to ensure I’m staying on track toward reaching this goal.
  3. Achievable — I will also set up automatic transfers to my savings account each month so that I can reach my goal without having to think about it.
  4. Relevant — This goal will help me to save up enough money for a down payment on a house.
  5. Time-Bound — This goal has a clearly-defined timeline of 6 months.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will save $500 per month over the next six months for a down payment on a house by reducing my spending on non-essential items, setting up automatic transfers, and keeping track of my savings and spending in a spreadsheet.

3. Start a Business SMART Goals Example

Starting a business can be the key to financial freedom, but it’s hard to know where to start and how to make sure your business succeeds.

business SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to start my own business and quit my day job but starting a business can be a confusing, intimidating, and overwhelming task.
  • Poorly-Defined Goal: I will start a business that makes money by the end of the year.

Smart GoalS Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will start a business by researching potential ideas, creating a detailed plan of action, taking online courses, and networking with other entrepreneurs for advice and support.
  2. Measurable — I will set smaller, weekly goals to help me stay on track toward reaching my overall goal.
  3. Achievable — I will carve out an extra hour each morning to dedicate to this.
  4. Relevant — This goal will help me transition careers and quit my current full-time job.
  5. Time-Bound — I have a timeline of six months to make this happen.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will launch my own successful business to quit my day job within six months by setting weekly goals and carving out an hour each day to focus on researching potential ideas, creating a detailed plan of action, taking online courses, and networking with other entrepreneurs for advice and support.

4. Productivity SMART Goals Example

It’s easy to get distracted by social media or other tasks that don’t help you reach your goals. Most of us end up wasting time instead of using it wisely.

productivity SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to be more productive to focus more time on my business, but it can be hard to stay focused and motivated.
  • Poorly-Defined Goal: I will be more productive every day so I have time to accomplish more.

Smart GoalS Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will increase my productivity by 20%.
  2. Measurable — I will track my app usage in my phone each day and set aside specific times each day for working on important tasks so that I’m staying on track toward reaching this goal.
  3. Achievable — I will limit distractions such as checking emails or scrolling through social media during these times so that I can focus on completing my work efficiently and effectively.
  4. Relevant — I want to have more time to focus on starting my business and making it successful.
  5. Time-Bound — I will give myself 3 months to accomplish this goal.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will increase my productivity by 20% over the next 3 months so that I have more time to spend on my business. I will limit distractions, track app usage, and set time aside each day to accomplish this goal.

5. Fitness SMART Goals Example

We all know that it’s important to exercise regularly, but it can be difficult to stay motivated and inspired if you don’t have any goals in mind.

fitness SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to train for a marathon, but it’s hard to stay disciplined and motivated to exercise daily.
  • Poorly-Defined Goal: I will work out every day to get fitter.

Smart GoalS Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will improve my cardiovascular fitness by running a 10K race.
  2. Measurable — I will set up a running schedule and track my progress with an app.
  3. Achievable — I will join a local running club or seek out other like-minded individuals who can help keep me motivated and accountable.
  4. Relevant — This will help me work toward running a marathon someday.
  5. Time-Bound — I will accomplish this with a timeline of 3 months.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will improve my cardiovascular fitness by running a 10K race in 6 months. I will set up a running schedule and track my progress with an app, as well as join a local running club to meet others to help me stay accountable.

6. Sales SMART Goals Example

Most businesses struggle with finding new customers and retaining existing ones. It’s hard to know which strategies will work best for your company and how you can maximize your sales potential.

sales SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I need to increase my sales so that I can hire an assistant, but I don’t know where to start.
  • Loosely-Defined Goal: I will cut expenses and focus on increasing my traffic to earn more money.

Smart GoalS Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will increase my sales by $1,000 per month.
  2. Measurable — I will track my revenues and expenses each month and create monthly comparisons to identify areas where I can make adjustments.
  3. Achievable — I will implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes email campaigns, social media ads, and targeted outreach efforts. I will also create incentives such as discounts or loyalty programs for new and existing customers to drive sales.
  4. Relevant — This will help me hire an assistant to further grow my business.
  5. Time-Bound — I will reach this goal in the next 6 months.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will increase my sales by $1,000 per month in the next 6 months so that I can hire a new assistant to help my business grow. I can do this by implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy that I can track through monthly financial comparisons.

7. Reading SMART Goals Example

Most of us have a stack of books we want to get through, but life gets in the way and our reading goals never seem to get accomplished.

reading SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I want to read more for enjoyment and personal growth, but I don’t feel like I have the time or motivation.
  • Loosely-Defined Goal: I want to read at least one book every month.

Smart Goals Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will read at least one book each month.
  2. Measurable — I will set aside 30 minutes each morning and use a timer on my phone to track it.
  3. Achievable — I will also join an online book club or find an accountability partner so that I’m motivated and held accountable for reaching this goal.
  4. Relevant — This will help me feel relaxed and work on my personal development.
  5. Time-Bound — I will create a habit by repeating this for the next 6 months.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will create a habit to read at least one book per month over the next 6 months by setting aside 30 minutes each day for reading with a timer and joining an online book club or accountability partner for motivation. This will help me feel relaxed and work on my personal development.

8. Mindset SMART Goals Example

Having a more positive mindset is essential for happiness, but it can be difficult to break out of negative thought patterns and cultivate an optimistic outlook on life.

mindset SMART goals examples
  • Problem: I have a negative mindset and it’s causing arguments with my partner, but it’s hard to stay positive in the face of life’s challenges and obstacles.
  • Loosely-Defined Goal: I want to have a more positive mindset.

Smart Goals Criteria:

  1. Specific — I will be more positive in my thoughts every day.
  2. Measurable — I will track my progress with weekly self-assessments of my feelings and attitude.
  3. Achievable — I will engage in daily affirmations, journaling, and meditation to help me achieve this goal.
  4. Relevant — This will help me stay more positive, be happier, and complain less to my partner.
  5. Time-Bound — I have a timeline of 3 months to achieve this goal.

Smart Goal EXAMPLE:

I will be more positive in my thoughts on a daily basis through daily affirmations, journaling, meditation, and weekly self-assessments. This will help me focus on the good things in life and have a more positive mindset.

Set Your Own SMART Goals

SMART goal-setting helps you to break down complex tasks into smaller, more achievable steps which makes it easier to track progress and stay motivated throughout the process.

It also helps ensure that resources are wisely managed, allowing you to focus your efforts on those areas where they can have the most impact.

It’s also super easy to write SMART goals! All you have to do is use this SMART goals template:

  1. Specific: What is my specific goal (use numbers)?
  2. Measurable: How can I track my progress?
  3. Achievable: What can I do to help me achieve this?
  4. Relevant: How will achieving this goal help me in my life?
  5. Time-Bound: How long will I give myself to accomplish this goal?

Using this SMART framework will help you turn any simple or loosely-defined goal into a SMART goal that is easier to digest, understand, and achieve.

By setting measurable goals and clear deadlines for each milestone you can make sure you stay on track toward achieving your overall goals.

Overall, SMART goals help individuals and teams stay focused on their desired end result while making sure all available resources are used wisely in order to maximize progress and achieve success in an efficient manner.

I hope that the examples of SMART goals in this article will help you improve your goal-setting and achieve more of your own goals!