How to Stream on Twitch and Monetize Your Channel in 2025

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So you want to know how to stream on Twitch? That makes sense considering it has nearly 10 million unique streamers creating content monthly, with an average daily viewership of approximately 30 million at the time of writing.

At first blush, these numbers may not seem significant in the context of larger video platforms like YouTube.

The truth though is that has already been able to provide a home for the world’s top gamers, which YouTube failed at in comparison.

Okay, so it’s a gamer’s streaming service?

No. is so much more than that.

Sure, it’s a large platform that has been dominated by semi-professional and even pro-level video gamers. But, it’s also a great space for content creators just like you to build a community.

There’s a lot we’re sharing in this post about using a Twitch account to leverage your brand. Check out our table of contents, and skip to what you want to know most!

We’re basically going to do the ultimate deep dive into how to stream on Twitch, and what it means to go live on Twitch. 

We’ll also get into what you’ll need to know once you’re live and actively streaming, like the benefits that streaming can bring you, and how to monetize your content so you can get paid for doing what you love.

Here’s everything you need to know about starting a Twitch channel. 

What is Twitch Exactly?

For those of you who have been living under a rock, you might be wondering what Greek we’re speaking when we reference Twitch.

Twitch is a live video streaming platform that was founded back in 2011, and offers a way for potential viewers to find any type of niche streaming video content. 

It was initially part of the platform, but with the popularity boom, it spawned an entire rebranding of the platform into what is now known as Twitch Interactive in 2014.

Following the rebrand, the platform was eventually acquired by online giant Amazon.

The primary driver of traffic to the site is undoubtedly video games, but there are countless activities that streamers broadcast to their channels.

There are cooking channels, channels revolving around listening to, playing, or learning to play music, and there are even channels that host question-and-answer sessions similar to the Ask Me Anything threads on Reddit. 

Twitch TV live streaming content

Twitch is available on nearly any digital device that supports apps and connects to the internet. There are Twitch apps for the PS4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Mac, Windows, Android, and even iOS. It is even found on many media devices such as Apple TV and Chromecast.

Anyone is able to create a Twitch account and use it for either viewing or broadcasting.

While guests can watch some streams, in order to interact with any streams or creators, such as subscribing to channels or commenting on streams, you will need to register and create an account.

What is the Purpose of Streaming with Twitch?

One of the many great things about Twitch is that there is no single, central purpose, and you can get out of it whatever you want in many cases.

With their initial primary audience being video gamers, many people will tune in to watch someone play something they haven’t played before, sometimes to see if it’s right for them, and sometimes out of pure curiosity. 

Streaming video games on twitch

Some Twitch streamers are given early access to an upcoming game, or to an alpha or beta version of upcoming expansions or DLC packs, and viewers will tune in to get a glimpse of exclusive content. 

But anyone can stream almost anything on the Twitch platform.

Countless subjects are covered by content creators, and you can find people streaming everything from live painting to playing and teaching music. Even cooking can be the subject of the streamer’s channel.

Stream cooking videos on your Twitch account

I’ve even seen people build courses on Twitch and let people watch their process, and musicians have recorded albums while live streaming too!

One musician I recall is HANA aka Hana Truly. She not only did a live stream of creating her album on Twitch, but she also repurposed all of those juicy videos for her YouTube channel giving her another means of connecting with her community.

Someone who wants to learn how to cook may tune into a cooking tutorial channel to learn a new skill, or to learn about new cuisine options in general. Some cooking streams are simply informational or demonstrative, and viewers can just watch them as they would any other cooking show on cable TV. 

Twitch was also highly instrumental in keeping many major and independent musicians performing and getting paid during the shutdowns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since all tours and most public gatherings were canceled, many artists used the platform to continue performing and generating income. 

Why You Should Consider Streaming on Twitch

Why should you care about streaming on Twitch at all?

If you’re a blogger, you might be thinking “But, I’m a writer, not a streamer!”

Look, I get it, but the thing is, video content is kind of king right now.

People with low attention spans scrolling on their phones in the checkout line at the grocery store or sitting on the subway for their daily commute are trying to consume content fast.

And while writing blogs are powerful, the truth is that you need to be on multiple platforms to keep your audience’s attention and grow a real community.

So many bloggers underestimate the power of putting content on video platforms and streaming with Twitch.

In many cases though, bloggers that start streaming with Twitch realize it’s a place where they can put content to drive traffic to other sites, and that people often want to see more of the content that they were hesitant to even post in the first place. 

We’ll dive into some additional reasons why it’s important to be on Twitch towards the end of this article.

How to Start a Twitch Channel

Ready to go live on Twitch?

Before you jump in, make sure you are very clear on the terms and conditions of use, as well as the community guidelines

You can read those when you’re ready, but for now, we’ll tell you pretty much everything you need to know about how to use the site. 

By creating an account, you are automatically agreeing to the rules that Twitch has established, and the content moderators are incredibly serious about this. 

Just know though if you stream prohibited content or violate other guidelines of use, your account can be instantly banned, and if you’re banned, there is no official way for that account to get back into the good graces of the Twitch mods.

If this happens, all of your content will be gone, your channel will be delisted, and you will be forced to start over entirely.

Okay, dark clouds and doom and gloom aside, let’s get you schooled on how to stream on Twitch!

1. Create a Twitch Account

create a new Twitch account

To start with, you’ll need to navigate to the Twitch homepage on either the desktop or the mobile app and click the “sign up” button to create a Twitch account.

Next, fill out the usual personal information.

Whether you signed up via mobile or desktop, you’ll need to have your email address verified. Having your email address verified gives you a few benefits right off the bat.

You’ll be able to get email notifications about your channel, you’ll be able to recover your account if you lose your mobile device, and you’ll be able to communicate in channels that require verification for participation.

After your initial account has been verified, you will be able to add additional accounts by just editing your dashboard security settings. 

2. Customize Your Channel

Before you start, you should make sure that your account is set up the way you need it, and that you’ve added some custom elements to your account. First, get over to your dashboard, and enter the Title, Category, and Notification options. 

Twitch account profile settings

Customizing your channel will give new viewers the chance to see who you are and what you offer when they discover you.

Make sure you create an engaging bio and channel picture, as well as get an attractive banner. 

Twitch profile example

You should also be sure you leverage the “panels” as well so that potential viewers will have a better understanding of the content you create and offer.

It can also help you send people elsewhere with external links to things like your blog, or your affiliate marketing account. You can use panel makers like Nerd or Die and Snappa to help make beautiful panels for the channel that are perfect for adding massive production value to your channel.

Preparing to Go Live on Twitch

stream on Twitch

Now that you have your Twitch account created and customized a bit, you’re ready to go live on Twitch.

The Twitch app is perhaps the best means of getting started. 

It’s recommended by many streamers that if you want to be a Twitch content creator you download it. The app gives an easy and quick way to tune into streams, as well as to access and adjust the settings on your Creator Dashboard. 

The app also lets you create and run ads for your channel, and offers a way to go live wherever you are. 

Twitch recommends you establish your moderation and safety guidelines so that you can make your first experience pleasant. AutoMod is a helpful tool that gives you moderation and safety moderation on an automated basis, with settings you choose ahead of time.

If you’re going to be streaming the audio and video from home, you’ll need some hardware. 

While this part might sound intimidating, it really isn’t. All you really need is a Playstation or Xbox with a camera and you can be broadcasting your first stream in just minutes. If instead, you want to get a dedicated setup built, there are some things you’ll need first.

We’ll cover that in the next section.

How Do You Go Live on Twitch? What You’ll Need For Streaming

If you’re just getting started, you’ll undoubtedly need some extra equipment if you’re planning on making your streams regularly scheduled events.

However, just because you need to invest a little coin doesn’t mean you have to smash your budget to pieces.

By browsing common online sales outlets you can find what you need for a lot less than you might spend buying it from a larger retail store.

Here are the top priorities:

  • A reliable, high-speed internet connection
  • Your choice of streaming software
  • A computer that can handle your activity and the streaming load
  • Any audio or visual components you want

1. Streaming Software

When you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to stick with the native streaming software that you’ll have access to via your platform, called Twitch Studio.

how to stream on Twitch with Twitch studio software

It’s free and it’s designed to meet the needs of the vast majority of streamers. 

If you have previously attempted to hold a live stream and found it to be too difficult or confusing, Twitch Studio is likely going to be your biggest reason to try again.

It is able to provide a highly intuitive and guided streaming setup experience. Those with more experience may be seen using other software, such as OBS, XSplit, or countless others. 

2. Computer Hardware

Your machine is going to be one of the essential components of your streaming setup. The streaming software you choose will become the main task on your computer and will require significant processing power. 

This means if you are going to be streaming from a desktop, you’ll need to make sure that your computer meets and exceeds all of the minimum requirements for your streaming software, as well as anything else you may incorporate into your stream. 

The good news is that most mid-tier computers and laptops that you can get will be able to manage not only the streaming software but additional things like webcam and audio programs as well.

If you are a blogger looking to stream to Twitch, you may not need very much processing power, unless your content is game-related, in which case you’ll need to be sure you have a machine capable of doing it all, all at once. 

3. Audio

Good quality audio is one of the markers of high production value, and in many cases, it will dramatically alter the perception of your entire channel.

For those who truly focus on or neglect the audio of the stream, it can end up being a make-or-break factor in the overall success of your channel. his is because your audio is going to be integral to your viewers’ experience.

4. Lights

Bright lighting is a must for any successful stream. You’ll need to have even lighting over the entire streaming area so that your audience is able to see a bright, clear image of you and your gameplay.

Digital cameras, while highly advanced, aren’t able to compensate for a dark or dimly lit room.

If you are going to rely on your visual presence to engage with your audience, you’ll need some auxiliary lighting. You’ll want a nice, warm glow in your streaming area.

Common solutions are getting white lamps with built-in reflectors or diffusers, replacing glass with plexiglass, and using softboxes, and ring lights.

How to Stream Twitch (Multiple Devices)

Now that everything else is in place, you are finally in the position to start broadcasting.

Once your channel is created and set up, you’ll have the ability to go live from any device with a camera that’s capable of running the Twitch app.

How to Go Live on Twitch With a Desktop or Laptop

To start broadcasting on your desktop, make sure your chosen streaming software is installed and properly configured. Common solutions are Twitch Studio, XSplit, and OBS Project, the latter of which is often mentioned for its superior audio quality. 

Twitch streaming options

Once your software is installed and configured, you’ll need to add your Twitch Stream Key to the software. This key is found in your Twitch account, under “Settings”, then “Stream”. 

Twitch stream key settings

Copy the key and paste it into the streaming software’s settings. It’s important that you keep this key safe and secret because anyone else who has your stream key will be able to broadcast or stream to your channel. 

Some of the settings and configurations you’ll need to customize are things like the video bitrate, resolution, framerate, and encoding settings. 

You’ll also need to enter the base resolution in the Video Tab of the settings. Audio bitrate will also need to be curated, often being set to 48khz. Following those settings, there are three more crucial settings to look at including:

  • Settings related to your webcam 
  • The show, game, or activity that you’re streaming
  • Audio output from your microphone and any gain adjustments you’ll need

When you’re configuring your streaming software, you may see options like “full display capture”, “game capture”, or “window capture”. These will each function differently in your stream, limiting what is captured for the stream and what is omitted.

  • A display capture will capture the entire display, but no game.
  • A game capture captures your game in fullscreen.
  • The window capture will capture a specific window for a particular application. 

Then start your stream. Your audience will be able to view exactly what you want, based on the settings that you chose earlier.

Remember that if you choose the display capture your audience won’t be able to see any gameplay, and if you choose game capture when you really want display or window capture, then your audience won’t see any other visual elements you have prepared on your display or in another program.

How to Go Live With the Twitch App

Many streamers will periodically stream from one of their mobile devices, and as long as you have an Android or iOS phone, you will be able to download the Twitch app and stream.

The first step is to download the app, after which you’ll need to log in to your account. Once logged in, you can immediately begin broadcasting by tapping your profile picture in the top left, and then tapping the “Go Live” button to start your stream. 

Without a doubt, streaming from your mobile is the fastest way of going live with Twitch. Not only is it fast, but you won’t need to worry about any other hardware or software requirements.

This can be a blessing and a curse, however, since while you don’t have to worry about that extraneous stuff you would need to think about with a desktop stream, you do have to be extra mindful of your audiences’ experience. 

Frequently, the quality of mobile streams is diminished when there are high levels of ambient or background noise, as well as when natural lighting is either insufficient or far too bright.

To help with the audio, you can tap to enable Dolby On, which will enhance the audio quality of the sound being recorded by your phone.

Dolby On is a free app that incorporates cutting-edge Dolby technology. This integration between Twitch and Dolby On results in enhanced audio, clearer sound, significant reductions in noise, and the addition of a dynamic equalizer.

Most creators that stream from a mobile device aren’t near a computer, so it’s important to keep your Twitch app open so that you can interact with your audience and viewer community.

How to Monetize Your Twitch Channel

The biggest reason why many content creators want to start streaming is that it can be easily monetized.

Twitch lets creators earn income in a few different ways, whether you’re a Twitch Partner yet or not.

Without Being A Partner or Twitch Affiliate

These are important things to consider because when you’re starting out, you’ll be unable to use certain internal features like subscriptions, ads, game sales, or “bits”. 

You also won’t be able to attract any potential sponsorships until you have a sizable following on the platform. So, in your early days at least, external affiliate links (i.e. not Twitch affiliate links), and third-party options are going to be the primary ways for you to monetize.

1. Affiliate Links

No matter what niche you’re in, you should be leveraging affiliate links.

Sharing affiliate links across social platforms and blog posts can help you gain significant passive income by earning commissions on things people buy after clicking your links. 

Amazon is probably the most popular place to begin affiliate marketing. Not only do they have just about anything that your niche would want, but they are familiar, trusted, and insanely popular.

Just start an affiliate account with Amazon, and you’ll be able to generate unique referral links that you can use anywhere your followers might need a product recommendation. 

Related: 50 Affiliate Marketing Programs to Check Out

2. Patreon

make money on videos with Patreon

Patreon is a great platform to accumulate fans and viewers who follow you across multiple platforms and sites. For a monthly subscription charge, you can give your followers access to varying levels of bonus content or other added value. 

The biggest draw to Patreon is that it allows you to create many different levels of support (price points) for your followers.

Since not everyone is able to keep a $20 subscription every month, you can offer different tiers with increasing bonus content value. 

For example, you can create a Patreon with $1, $5, $10, and $20 support levels so that you can capture conversions from people who can only spare a few bucks and want to support you, but would be unable to otherwise. 

3. Donations

You may be surprised and even humbled by just how many of your followers are willing to donate to you simply for providing entertaining, useful, or interesting content. Without being a Twitch Partner or Twitch Affiliate, you will need to set up a third-party method. 

Adding a PayPal button, or a donation button for other services like Donorbox, Kofi, or Streamlabs, can give your followers a simple way to donate with a click.

Another method is to use an automation plugin like Moobot to get your donation link into your channel chat periodically. 

Finally, you can add a donate panel in your profile, under the “about me” section. This way tends to be less effective than the other ways, however, since people are more likely to donate when the option is right in front of them and they don’t have to dig through your profile to find it. 

With Partnership (Twitch Programs)

Once you gain enough followers and have a channel that fits the requirements, you will have the option of becoming a Twitch Affiliate. This is a major benchmark in your channel’s development, and it opens the doors to additional ways to monetize your content. 

Before you can become a Twitch Affiliate though, you and your channel must meet some minimum requirements. You must have at least 50 followers, 500 minutes of streaming in the past rolling 30 days, streams on at least 7 days, and an average viewership of at least 3 or more concurrent viewers.

1. Twitch Bits

make money on Twitch with Bits

Twitch Bits are like Twitch’s own currency, and they can be used to tip streamers and creators. They act as direct donations to you after your viewers either purchase them or earn them by filling out surveys and watching ads.

They function like digital tips or other encouragement that is used to support the streaming artist. Once you are a Twitch Affiliate, you will be able to earn $1 per 100 bits.

2. Subscriptions

Becoming an affiliate allows you to begin creating premium content that you can charge a subscription fee for. There are three primary tiers of subscriptions, $4.99, $9.99, and $24.99. 

This is similar to Patreon in that it offers premium content to subscribers only, along with additional perks like special emotes and discounts on streamer merchandise. 

3. Brand Sponsorships

Twitch permits a wide range of promotions and advertisements or endorsements on its channels. This means you have countless options for brands to promote during your stream.

Once you have built a relatively large following, you will begin to attract the attention of brands automatically, and they will then reach out to you to discuss business.

4. Merchandising

This one is one of the more challenging ways to make money, but it can also be incredibly lucrative.

If your followers are sufficiently engaged, you may be able to begin designing merchandise with your brand. This means you can have your brand and logo on things like shirts, hats, coffee cups, stickers, and many other accessories. 

This is more of an undertaking than other monetizing options though. You will need to find a supplier for the items, then you’ll need to set up and configure a Shopify store.

You will often be working with drop shippers, however, you can also work with print-on-demand platforms like Redbubble, Teespring, Printful, and more. 

Strategies to Increase Your Viewer Base

Simply streaming your content isn’t going to be enough in most cases, and you’re going to want to boost your viewership any way you can. Viewership will snowball, and once you reach a certain point gaining viewers will become easier, although the milestones will move further apart. 

In the beginning, you’ll probably have a goal of a few hundred subs, maybe even one thousand, but later on when you have 100k subscribers, the next thousand comes easy and you’ll be looking down the road at 250k and beyond. 

Below are some solid methods to increase your viewer base and reap the benefits that come along with it. 

1. Advertise

Twitch is a platform that has 10-30 million users active at any one time, which means if you aren’t advertising your channel, you’re missing out on a major opportunity to boost your channel. 

It’s worth noting that Twitch is heavily marketing-focused, which means that along with advertising, you should also be creating philanthropic acts through your channel. 

Advertisements that you create can be leveraged in countless ways to help you gain a larger share of Twitch’s incomprehensibly diverse user base. With proper planning, you can place ads in specific niches to reach very specific ideal viewers.

Not only does it make those viewers far more likely to engage with your channel if it fits their interests, but it makes it easier for you to interact with your viewers when you have a stronger bond over the content.

Charity and philanthropy are great ways to boost viewership as well. Some of the top e-Sports streamers raise millions of dollars for various charities through their streams and set goals and stretch goals where they will do things when certain donation benchmarks are reached. 

Dying their hair a wild color when donations hit $1 million, for example, or getting a small tattoo of the audience’s choosing when a donation and subscription goal is reached. All of it puts more viewers on your channel and more eyes on your content. 

2. Partner With Sponsors

Just like in almost any other space, advertisers can partner with creators and streamers on Twitch. 

Streamers that build considerably large or loyal fanbases will often find that brands in their space seek them out and offer sponsorship or other partnership programs. 

Not only does this help you generate income through affiliate programs and commissions, but it can provide a significant spike in subscriptions or baseline viewership.

Sometimes brands will sponsor an ad either before, during, or near the end of a stream. In other cases, they leave it up to the streamer to decide how to mention the sponsorship or bring up the brand, so that it can be done much more organically than the typical ads or commercials you might see on other platforms. 

Another benefit of working with sponsors and brands is that when you are sponsored it gives you a higher degree of credibility or authority about the subject.

This is seen by the analytics that shows viewers are incredibly likely to immediately investigate a brand sponsoring one of their favorite streamers when the streamer mentions them in the broadcast.

If you host a regularly scheduled stream, brands that sponsor you can even see in real-time your effect on driving traffic to their brand. 

No matter what your content is, there are brands out there that want to leverage your audience to boost their sales. This means that the most important thing is getting up and running, so you can begin stacking up those streaming minutes and accumulating viewership.

Once your channel attracts enough attention, a business or brand will either contact you directly or your business manager to discuss potential partnership opportunities. 

3. Find the Leaders in Your Space and Learn From Them

No matter what type of content you’re creating, or what your current blog may be about, if you’re planning on entering the Twitch streaming arena, there is likely going to be at least one other person streaming similar content.

Chances are, they’re also going to have a head start on building their audience and channel as well.

Use this to your advantage, and look at what they’re doing that’s working for them, particularly if it’s related to your niche.

Streaming can take a lot of trial and error, but if you can learn from someone else’s mistakes, it can make your journey to building a following much easier and far quicker than without any research. 

This means watching their streams, and finding out what their viewers like, maybe even subscribing to a few so that you can see their activity constantly and really get a feel for how they interact with their viewers and what has given them success thus far.

If you’re adventurous, comment on some streams and get to know them. Then send them a message telling them you admire their channel and want to know if they have any tips for you.

The Twitch community at large is incredibly welcoming, and even though there may be millions of streamers in a particular space or niche, someone new joining in is never seen as “competition” like on many other similar platforms. 

This makes collaboration between creators and artists much easier and more prolific than on any other platform as well. 

One of the biggest examples of this is the practice of channel raids, where one channel sends their followers to go patronize another channel by donating, subscribing, engaging with streams, and more, to help them build traffic and increase monetization. 

Twitch channel raids settings

4. Find Plugins and Tools for Your Channel

Twitch extensions and tools

Running your channel can become a considerable amount of work, and finding the right plugins and tools to integrate with your streaming venture can make things much easier. 

There are plugins to create sound effects while you stream, and plugins to help you automate important tasks while you’re busy engaging with your audience. There are tools that help you dig into your streaming analytics and tools that make it easier for your audience to pay you. 

There are tools and plugins for countless things, and finding the right ones can help your channel run much smoother than otherwise.

5. Repurpose Your Live Streams

It’s not enough to learn how to stream on Twitch anymore. You need to take all those glorious pieces of content and repurpose your videos into other content.

For example, your live streams could be chopped up and turned into:

  • YouTube videos
  • IG Reels
  • IGTV content
  • TikTok videos
  • Facebook clips
  • Transcripts you can share on your blog
  • Social media graphics
  • Stripped audio for a podcast

The possibilities are endless when you start thinking about multipurpose content!

Other Reasons to Get on Twitch NOW

Here are many more reasons why you should consider streaming on Twitch if you’re a blogger or really any kind of content creator: 

It’s An Excellent Creative Outlet

We all get a little burnt out once in a while, and that can dry up those creative juices, particularly for those of us in primarily written disciplines. Streaming, however, is an unbelievably effective outlet to unwind and help your creative juices start flowing again. 

Creating your channel or brand, setting it all up, and beginning to produce content is the first place that you’ll likely feel this happen, and when you start streaming you’ll feel it even more.

Connect With Others With Similar Tastes

Even if you aren’t blogging about games, you can find others in your niche and check out their content. This helps you connect with others who have similar interests or create similar content. 

Broaden Your Marketing Skills

Twitch is an amazing platform to learn marketing or hone your marketing skills on. You’ll need to dabble in some kind of marketing in order to help your channel grow.

You’ll get experience across other social media platforms, as well as experience creating shareable content that your audience craves. 

Expand Your Audience & Community

While you may know one or two other experts in your niche, Twitch will help you to grow a close community of potentially thousands of people who all share similar passions and interests.

As you attract more people who like your content, you’ll find it being shared more and driving more followers.

Twitch is also a great space for connecting directly with your audience. Sure, people can leave a comment on your blog, but imagine your chat blowing up in real time when you go live on Twitch!

You can add polls, ask your audience questions, get real-time feedback, etc.

Boost Your Confidence

No matter what you do or what type of content you create, there is someone out there who wants to see it. Chances are, there are hundreds or even thousands of people that think your content is great, you just have to get it in front of them.

The more content you make, the more people are going to tell you what they like about it, which can do wonders for confidence issues. 

Imagine being able to exclusively show your Twitch audience a blog post before it actually goes live. You could publish it while live streaming and ask your audience to share it instantly. 

It’s a Great Challenge

There are some people that love anything challenging, and while learning how to start a Twitch channel and streaming isn’t exactly difficult, creating a successful channel absolutely is. 

In this vein, any bloggers out there that are looking for the next content challenge should get on Twitch now, and see how many followers they can get in a month. Then, beat that the next month.

Fan Art

It may sound a little weird, but once you have a considerable following, you will find that many of your fans are also artists of some sort, and those fans may occasionally make fan art of you. 

This is wildly flattering and shows that while you think your content might be mundane, there are people out there who think you’re a superstar for doing what you do.

Oh, and all that awesome fan art can make for fabulous blog fodder for your website and social channels!

Streaming Is the Pinnacle of Interactivity

There is absolutely nothing that can compare to the interactivity of streaming.

You’re talking into a camera sure, but you’re also interacting with your viewers and followers, potentially across multiple platforms. You can go live on Twitch and YouTube at the same time with software like Restream, for example.

While some people may think of streaming as a lazy, passive activity, that is far from the truth. 

Develop Broadcasting Skills and Experience

If you ever hoped to break into broadcasting but had no idea where to start to get experience, believe it or not, Twitch is a great place for that. There have been people who started out making a Twitch channel and used it to gain experience working in the broadcasting field.

What Are You Waiting For? Start a Twitch Channel!

We hope this guide has helped you learn how to stream on Twitch — successfully!

Make sure you bookmark this post so that you have a solid reference to come back to if you need it and remember that growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone so if streaming sounds intimidating, that might just be what you do next.

We look forward to seeing your Twitch channel come online!